Walk the Line 2017 will be on Sept., 16 starting at 12 noon at the Scout Hut.

Following last year’s success you are invited to

Walk The Line 2017


Saturday 16th September at 12 noon

Non-members are most welcome

A most pleasing walk along the planned Over-the-Top route of the restored Lapal Canal, taking in the stunningly beautiful scenery along the Woodgate Valley.

  • We will meet at noon in Selly Oak Park by the Scout Hut off Gibbins Road, towards its junction with Harborne Lane. Please park in the Scouts’ car park.

  • We will walk to Halesowen along the Lapal Line (about 5 miles) pausing occasionally for brief explanations.

  • Please bring a picnic lunch. We plan to stop for lunch in California.

  • We will take the proposed “OTT” route through the picturesque Woodgate Valley and stop for an ice-cream at the Visitors’ Centre.

  • Our ramble rejoins the former Lapal Canal line and continues to Halesowen. Here the canal passes through the beautiful and historic Leasowes, once the most influential garden design in Britain where we will conclude .

  • Transport back to cars left at Selly Oak will be made available – whichever option you choose!

If you wish to join us, please would you let Tony Whateley know so we have some idea of the numbers 07751 100810 or membership@lapal.org


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